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D-bol is the “kind of all steroids.”  Fast, powerful and effective.  It does what all steroids do and in a big way.  If you want to get big, this is the drug of choice. Mg for Mg, Dbol is considered one of the strongest and most effective steroids available.

As with all orals,  Dbol will cause stress to the liver if used in high dosages for too long.  It can also cause gynecamastia and an anti aromatase is suggested with its use. It is recommended that those using this anabolic also incorporate a liver protectant into their daily supplement regime, and that they keep their dosages of this powerful drug in reasonable range and try to limit cycle duration to 10 weeks or less. Dianabol can make a great addition to any cycle, and is commonly stacked with all injectables though caution should be used when combining it with other powerful androgens.  

Old school bodybuilders often used Dbol alone to great advantage. (Which negates the belief that a “Dbol  only” cycle is ineffective).

Dosages of only 10 mgs a day can be very effective and is an excellent choice for a “first time” user.  Advanced athletes take up to 50 mgs a day, which will lead to increased water retention and possible elevated blood pressure.  Dbol is known for giving that classic hulking “bodybuilder look.”  It becomes evident that you are “enhanced” when using Dbol.   It is not recommended for women since the masculating effects are so prominent

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