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testosterone cypionate

Whatever can be said about Testosterone Enanthate can be equally applied to Testosterone Cypionate.  All testosterones work in the same manner – the only difference lying in the ester, which determines how long it will remain active in the bloodsteam.  In the case of  the Cypionate ester , it is almost identical to enanthate  -- so much so, that when prescribed, one is often substituted for the other.

Cypionate is active for 12 days as opposed to enanthate’s 14 days.  For that reason some people feel it “hits” a bit harder since it’s a slightly more concentrated dosage. (The longer an ester lasts, the slower it disperses).  Nevertheless, the difference is nominal. 

Cypionate , like all testosterones does everything you want from a steroid – it increases strength through increases ATP production, it increases stamina, vascularity and endurance capacity through glycogen loading into muscle fibers. It  also has the pleasant side effect of increasing  sex drive.  Cypionate, like all testosterones,  produces a sense of well being and good mood.  In higher dosages (over 750 mgs a week) it also produces negative side effects including hair loss, high blood pressure, edema,  irritability and  a possible loss of sex drive.  Dosages over 1 gram (1000mgs)  a week will cause complete shutdown of the HPTA within a few weeks.

Also with enanthate, cypionate can be stacked with any other steroid to give an added boost at an economical price.

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